Arteries of the upper abdomen, radiography
A- gastrica sinistra
Truncus coeliacus
A. splenica
A. gastroom entalis
Pelvis renal is
A. hepatica propria
hepatica communis
A gastroduodenalis
A g a s tro o m e n ta lis
d e x tra
P e lv is re n alis
Ureter sinister
Fig. 1064
Arteries of the stomach, Gaster; the spleen,
Splen [Lien], and the liver, Hepar;
AP-radiograph after selective injection of a contrast medium into
the coeliac trunk (coeliacography) with concomitant visualization
o f th e re n a l p e lv is due to th e re n a l e x c re tio n of th e m e d iu m ;
v e n tra l view .
* C atheter Loop in the aorta
** C atheter in the aorta
A. hepatica propria,
Aa segmenti
anterioris et posterioris
hepatica propria, R. dexter
A. gastroduodenalis
A. pancreaticoduodenalis
superior posterior
A. pancreaticoduodenalis
superior anterior
A. hepatica communis
A. gastroom entalis
A. pancreatica dorsalis
A. pancreatica inferior
Fig. 1065
Common hepatic artery, A. hepatica communis;
AP-radiograph after selective injection of a contrast medium
into the common hepatic artery;
ventral view.
Branches to the left lobe of the liver replacing a single left branch
of the hepatic a rtery proper
** An accessory branch of the hepatic arte ry to the lesser curvature
of the stom ach
*** C atheter in the aorta